In computing, the process of starting up a computer or loading the operating system is known as booting. We can start the machine by loading the operating system into the proper location. The boot screen is the laptop’s initial screen.

If there is an issue with this process, errors may occur. Fix Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device is one of the Boot process issues. It is a problem that many individuals face. However, it mostly affected users of the Windows 10 operating system.

Most customers experienced the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device issue with the release of Windows 10. If you’ve encountered this error, don’t worry; we’ll assist you in resolving the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device problem.


The Fix Reboot and Select Proper Device problem is addressed in this article. The majority of individuals experienced the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device problem.

So we came up with a solution to assist those who are experiencing a Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device issue. Before we move on to the strategies for correcting the problem, we must first determine why this issue is occurring and what is causing it.

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What Causes The Error Reboot And Choose Proper Boot Device?

There are various factors that contribute to our system’s Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device Error. Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device errors can be caused by the following factors.

Incorrect Boot Order – (Your Hard Disk isn’t listed or isn’t listed first in the BIOS menu.) One of the causes of the error is a faulty boot order.)

(Some hard disc failure options prevent the operating system from booting or loading into the hard disc.) This can sometimes result in an error.)

Legacy Mode – (Legacy mode may be enabled or disabled at any time.) This error occurred as a result of this cause.)

The error is occurring due to the aforementioned factors. Now we’ll go on to the following section, which will address the problem “Fix Reboot and Select Proper Device.”

The Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device problem can be resolved in one of four ways. As a result, you can use any of these to fix the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device problem.

Method 1: Verify The Boot Sequence

The first step in resolving the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device problem is to check the boot order. If this was your issue, it might be readily remedied by reversing the order. Your hard disc should be the first option in the BIOS menu.

If your hard drive is in the second or subsequent position, you have an improper boot order. So, first and foremost, we must change the boot sequence and relocate the hard disc. Follow these steps to accomplish this:

  1. you must restart your computer.
  2. After restarting your computer, go to the BIOS menu by pressing the relevant key assigned to your system. To get to the BIOS menu, press that key.
  3. Now, in the BIOS menu, look for the boot tab and click it to access the boot menu tab.
  4. You will modify the boot order in this step. To modify the boot order, use the “+” and “-” keys. You can adjust the boot sequence by hitting the “+” button, which moves the cursor forward.
  5. Change the settings we made in the BIOS menu to save them. The F10 key must be pressed. Changes will be saved if you use that key.
  6. Now that you’ve completed all of these steps, restart your computer.

After restarting the computer, double-check that the Fix reboot and Select correct device errors are no longer present. If the problem persists in your system, don’t worry; use the other procedures to resolve the problem.

Method 2: Examine The Health Of Your Hard Drive

If you get the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device issue, it could be due to a hard disc failure. Like the OS is unable to load your system’s hard disc, and there must be a reason for this.

This problem arises if the status of your hard disc is incorrect or if it has failed due to a variety of factors. We can determine the reason of the problem by checking the health of your hard disc. There are numerous options for inspecting your hard disc.

You might also use some third-party software to accomplish this. By inquiring, I have the opportunity to look up simple commands that we use on our computer.

So, to check the hard drive using the command line prompt, follow these steps to see if the problem is caused by a hard disc failure or not.

  1. On your computer, open Run by pressing Win+R. Then press enter after typing CMD.
  2. Run CMD as a superuser. Then type WMIC and press enter.
  3. Now type Disk Drive get details after you’ve typed that command.
  4. After running this command, wait a few moments for the hard drive status to appear.
  5. If your hard drive is in good working order, the status will be OK.
  6. If your hard disc has a problem, it will display a notice indicating that action is required.

After performing the preceding steps, you must determine whether your hard disc is the source of the mistake.

If the hard disc is not the issue, you must go to the following step. If your hard disc is providing you problems, you should replace it with a new one. You won’t be able to observe the same issue after that.

Method 3: Disable Legacy Boot Mode

Because the UEFI mode is used instead of your BIOS boot menu, the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device issue can appear. As a result, you must disable legacy mode in your BIOS boot menu. To turn off legacy mode, go through the instructions below.

1.  restart your computer.

2.  Now press the appropriate key to access the BIOS menu.

3.  To access the start-up boot menu tab in the BIOS menu, use the arrow keys to navigate to the legacy mode priority choice.

4.  After that, disable the mode and try to boot.

If the issue is caused by legacy mode, the error will not show again; otherwise, proceed on to the next method.

Method 4: DiskPart

You’ll need an OS installation CD or USB disc to use this procedure.

You’re ready to go if you have a USB disc with an operating system on it.

1.Boot from the media after inserting the installation disc or USB.

2. Select the option for a command prompt.

3.  Press the enter key and type diskpart.

4. Finally, choose disc 0 and press the enter key.

5. Finally, pick Partition 1 and press Enter.

It creates the primary partition for the operating system and also checks for faults. You won’t be able to view the Fix boot and choose the right device error after using this approach.

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These are a few options for resolving the Fix reboot and Select the right device issues. Many inaccuracies exist, such as these.

So, if you’ve encountered the Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device error, don’t panic; try this way to resolve the problem. That is something we believe will be beneficial to you.